World 100 archive

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Red Cup

Top tribe

Members: Chaos, Red Cup, I-AM-GROOT, Dread Masters, blutit, akirk541, Incompetent Coplayers, ReD KhaN, The Ashen One, Mulm, 3 Swinging Ducks, NoPressure, Noixyl, Demolition, grim reaper., 09. Krieger, Nocturne, YellowPain, Southern Lights, Burli, Glanne, All Skill No Luck, Beavis and Butthead, Mary Jane the 420Th, WelcomeToTheFreakshow


Owned 1000 villages first

on 01.05.2019 at 16:46

Owned 500 villages first
Red Cup
on 23.12.2018 at 00:55

Owned 250 villages first

on 30.09.2018 at 01:26

Owned 100 villages first

on 02.08.2018 at 09:39

Owned 2 villages first

on 09.05.2018 at 22:51

Score champion

Reached 10.000.000 points first

on 13.04.2019 at 12:23

Reached 5.000.000 points first
Red Cup
on 21.12.2018 at 05:04

Reached 1.000.000 points first

on 04.08.2018 at 06:45

Reached 10.000 points first

on 15.05.2018 at 15:41

Field Master

Defeated 100.000.000 units first
Dread Masters
on 12.12.2018 at 15:58

Defeated 25.000.000 units first
on 18.09.2018 at 09:53

Defeated 5.000.000 units first

on 22.07.2018 at 21:49

Defeated 10.000 units first

on 09.05.2018 at 12:52